Tuesday, March 17, 2015

5 Qualities That Will Make You Successful In Life

You must be respectful.

You must be prepared to face anything in life.

You must  love everyone no matter how they are.

You must know what you wanna become in the future.

You must be good in school and get high grades.

The 5 Things If Everyone Did The World Would Be A Better Place

1) Everyone must stop racism to make the world a better place.

2) Everyone must stop holding weapons around to make the world a better place to live.

3) Treat everybody one and equal  as they are.

4) Freedom and justice must be all over the world.

5) Everyone must use law and order to make the world a better place

Thursday, March 12, 2015

The 5 Things That People Should Do To Improve Their Lives

1) People must stop using weapons like guns and knife around the city to improve their life.

2)People must respect one another for who they are to make their life good.

3)You must stop racism to improve your life and peoples life.

4) People must make everyone happy to live in the world and that will also improve your life

5) We all have to help each other in any situation.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The 5 Reasons Students Don’t Do Homework

1) Students feel tired when he/she  get home.

2) Students feel lazy when he/she get home.

3) Students get less time after doing their house work.

4) Students forget what the homework was.

5) Student decide not  to do the homework.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The 5 Excuses Students Give When Asked About Not Doing Their Work

1) I forgot we had homework.
2) I had to take care of my sis/brother.
3) I did not understand the homework.
4) I got home late.
5) I did not have time.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Top 5 Video Games Boys Like To Play

1. Boys Like Plying PlayStation Games Like GTA San Andreas

5 Thing You Should Know Before Coming To School

1. You must be ready for school and u must want to go to school
2. You must have all the materials you need to go to school
3. You must listen to your teachers
4. You must respect every one for you to concentrate on your education
5. You must be ready to learn and listen to what your teacher is saying